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Vocations and Formation
“My beloved speaks and says to me,
Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.”
—Song of Songs 2:10

The years of religious formation are a time of probation in which the young woman comes to know more intimately her call from God and her Dominican vocation.

It is a process intended to lead each Sister to a deeper relationship with Christ

She gradually learns to hear the Word of God in reading, study and prayer, and proclaims that Word in the life of worship.

She learns to enter into the life of the community, for common life is the testing ground for the nun’s attachment to God and her growth in virtue.
Stages in Formation
There are several stages in the formation program in our monastery.
Suggested Readings
Dominican Life
The Dominican Soul by M.M. Philipon, OP
Contemplative Life
Verbi Sponsa: Instruction on the Contemplative Life and on the Enclosure of Nuns by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life
The Contemplative Life by Thomas Philippe, OP; Crossroad Publishing Co. 1990
Walled About With God by Dom Jean Prou, OSB and the Benedictine Nuns of the Solesmes Congregation; Gracewing 2005
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