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The Only Lord
“Of you my heart has spoken:
‘Seek his face.’
It is your face, O Lord, that I seek;
hide not your face from me.”
—Psalm 27:8
‘Twas three in the morning
and all through the house,
the bells were ringing,
the nuns to rouse.
From slumber they woke,
out of bed they did rise,
to worship our God,
and praise Him with their lives.

In haste they dressed,
to chapel they went,
hymns of praise and thanksgiving
to Heaven were sent.
At six, at nine,
at noon and at three,
again in the chapel,
the nuns you would see.
At six in the evening
and right before bed,
they again worship God,
beg His blessings to shed.

For the God who created
both Heaven and earth,
who knew each of us
before our birth,
Who sustains all things
in being through time,
who revealed through His Son,
a love most sublime.
Does this God not deserve
to set some apart,
who give Him alone
an undivided heart?
In a world, where our God
is forgotten, unknown,
the nun offers her life
for His honor alone.

She stands day by day,
a vigilant sentinel,
to praise, to adore,
His glory to tell.
By her silent, hidden life,
she proclaims, “GOD EXISTS!”
for her life, her joy
is none other than this:
That God is remembered,
that God is adored,
that He is honored
as the only Lord!

But a nun’s life is simple,
nothing splendid to tell.
She does all with love,
serves her Sisters as well.
She cooks and she cleans,
she irons, she sews.
She works in the garden
and washes the clothes.
But each task is done
with one thing in mind,
to do all for God,
and Him all may find.

The world sees her life
as useless, a waste.
The joys of marriage,
she will never taste.
Her family and riches
she leaves behind,
that the pearl of great price
she may seek and find.
Her life is dedicated
to God above all,
to listen to His voice,
to respond to His call.

Like the lovely violet
upon which no man will gaze,
like the Hebraic holocaust,
consumed, all ablaze.
Like a costly perfume,
filling the air with spice,
like tears shed unmeasured
over the feet of Christ.
The nun’s life, like these
has no human purpose or goal,
but exists to glorify God
and for His pleasure alone.

In a world, where our God
is forgotten, unknown,
the nun offers her life
for His honor alone.
She stands day by day,
a vigilant sentinel,
to praise, to adore,
His glory to tell.
By her silent, hidden life,
she proclaims, “GOD EXISTS!”
For her life, her joy
is none other than this:
That God is remembered,
that God is adored,
that he is honored
as the only Lord!

—By a Dominican Nun
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